
How do I reset my WordPress Password?

How do I reset my WordPress Password?

WordPress Password Reset from the Admin Page

  • Enter your domain name/wp-admin E.G >>
  • Click on "Lost your password?"

WordPress Password Reset using phpMyadmin?

  1. Login to your cPanel to confirm the name of the database. 
  2. Click on phpMyAdmin from your cPanel/client area icoN.
  3. Select the database for your WordPress site from the list of databases E.G "nsdemoc_wp851"
  4. From the table list, click on the user's table. The table prefix is "nsdemoc_" the prefix depends on what you used on your website. This means that the prefix for your website will be different from what was used in our example. 
  5. Click edit next to the user you want to set the password for.
  6. Enter the new password into the password box
  7. In the function box next to the password choose MD5
  8. Click  on the "Go" button

The password will be reset to allow you to log in with your new WordPress password.

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